So i've been getting into painting sprites and to my knowledge Aesprite is the only 2d painting application which has a features that lets you loop your brushes around your document in order to draw seamlessly.
Is this possible to do with photoshop?
I know you can tile images by offsetting them by (width/height)/2, but that's not real-time and it only really works for small details, as painting stuff like pavements and other elements with large pieces make it hard to tile after finishing.
Last time i tried it it would only run at 2fps which was really weird since my rig is pretty decent.
Layer Cake will help you when trying to get rid of seams in your tileables, that's what it's for.
This seamless painting was just asked a few days ago for PS as well, afai can tell, it's not possible in PS. They have no way to hook into brush events (ending brushes etc.) and even then we would have to mirror after brush is ended so yeah...if you want something live check Krita.
I think the seamless stuff IS possible in some 3d modes in photoshop, but you need extended for that.
Here are my observations right now between PS;
-Clone stamp recording works in krita as long as you don't clone stamp outside the seamless mode.
-Clone stamp recording doesn't seem to work in PS. It records sampling but it doesn't record drawing.
-Offsetting recording works in PS
-Offsetting recording doesn't work in krita, but you can use the seamless mode to see errors (but not paint over seams) by zooming WAY out.
-Cleanup is really easy in krita, if you don't plan on using recording, because just normal painting works perfectly in seamless mode.
Admittedly krita's recording engine hasn't been updated since 1.0, and it's in 3.0 now, so it's crazy that clone stamping even works.
Krita is faster and it has seamless painting functionality out of the box, it works perfectly if you don't need recorded actions.
Oh, and it's free.