Looking for one or two PBR Texture artists who are expert Substance Designer users to help create 50+ Substances. I cannot specifically disclose what this is for publicly. However, our studio needs to create ~ 50 production ready, HiRES Substances that will be exported as Bitmaps for use in our proprietary software. Textures will need to be easily scaled between 1k-8k images within Substance before output. Substance categories will include, but are not limited to: Metals, Floors, Walls, Bricks, Nature, Wood, typical Arch Viz stuff, and a couple of "special" materials. We will need Albedo, Metallic, Roughness, Normal, AO, and Height/Displacement maps.
Understanding of naming conventions is a must.
Please send all portfolio links and CVs here: onelvxe@gmail.com
There is potential for compensation in the form of free pizza but that will be entirely at the Studio's discretion.
Best regards,