Hi there,
Circuits and Shields is looking for an experienced level designer/environment artist to build out our capture the flag level. We do have the dimensions already blocked out and you are just required to do any props, foilage, texturing, lighting, aka any additional details that would constitute a full level. As you can see on the concept below, it is heavily foilage/landscape based, so experience in that is a plus. We are a MOBA game, so imagine the level in a LoL/HotS style camera.
This is a paying position, a well paying one. I'm willing to spend more on this than most of the other stuff on our project because of its importance, so again, I'm looking for extremely high quality work here. I do require that your portfolio show some example of a full level/scene environment for consideration. This is not a learning project. Also, this in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4).
Note, it is possible that you would not be required to do texturing work as I can possibly have someone else do that. We can discuss details during negotiations.
You can contact me on Skype at: CThomlison
You can check out some details about our project on our website, though it still is under construction so some info is outdated: http://circuitsandshields.com
Here's a look at one of the corners of the map (you'll have a full detail concept of the whole map as well, not just this corner):
And here's the current blockout:
