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The Courtyard – Contest Questions/Answers

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r13 founder
Every contest spawns a lot of questions. We try to cover as many as we can upfront on the contest rules page, but invariably the community thinks up new ones we hadn't seen before. Please post your questions and contest staff will do their best to get them resolved properly. 

Good luck to you all. We look forward to some interesting interpretations of this challenge.


  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Is this contest open to international users, or only those in US/Canada?
  • fire67
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    fire67 polycounter lvl 8
    Great contest ! Here are some questions :)
    - Should the three or five screenshots be related to the same mood or can we have a screenshot with an apocalyptic mood and another with a totally different lighting configuration like a peaceful mood.
    - What do you mean by : "Contestants must not bake the lighting in the scene." What I understand is that we can only use precomputed realtime GI and realtime lighting but not Baked GI. Right ?
    - Are we allowed to use Unity 5 beta versions ?
    - Are we allowed to use other models than those included in The Courtyard package ?
  • AlexMercer
    Entity said:
    Is this contest open to international users, or only those in US/Canada?
    This contest is open to international users!
  • AlexMercer
    fire67 said:
    Great contest ! Here are some questions :)
    - Should the three or five screenshots be related to the same mood or can we have a screenshot with an apocalyptic mood and another with a totally different lighting configuration like a peaceful mood.
    - What do you mean by : "Contestants must not bake the lighting in the scene." What I understand is that we can only use precomputed realtime GI and realtime lighting but not Baked GI. Right ?
    - Are we allowed to use Unity 5 beta versions ?
    - Are we allowed to use other models than those included in The Courtyard package ?
    1) The screenshots do not have to be related, you can have one or two screenshots showing one "theme" and a screenshot each for separate atmospheres. You are in fact encouraged to have a wide selection of moods. The judges will take into account the overall submission (we will not pick out the best single picture, but the best portfolio submitted with diversity taken into account)
    2) Yes, spot on! You should precompute the static geometry in the scene (it's how Enlighten works after all) and use real-time lighting. Essentially prohibiting the baking of the final lighting.
    3) We would encourage you to use the released versions of Unity 5. However, you are not restricted.
    4) You are allowed to use minor models/props/light sources (candles, neon strips, chandeliers, etc.). however, the emphasis must be on the overall environment, and not on the props themselves.

  • kubacupisz
    fire67 said:
    - Are we allowed to use Unity 5 beta versions ?
    To add to what Alex said, the shaders in the demo were updated to work in Unity 5.4 beta, you will however need to rebuild the lighting (so redo the precompute). To do so, press the "Build" button in the Lighting window. It should take around 15 minutes on a not-so-recent desktop PC.
    The precompute was done in Unity 5.3, so you can start relighting there straight away.
  • fire67
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    fire67 polycounter lvl 8
    Image effects are allowed, what about custom shaders ?
    Thanks for your answers @kubacupisz and @AlexMercer :)
  • chafouin
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    chafouin polycounter lvl 3
    What about cutting the existing geometry to assign different materials, or the use of decals?
    And we need to keep it realtime, but can we still increase the resolution to whatever we want?
  • sidx30
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    sidx30 polycounter lvl 4
    Are multiple submissions allowed? What are the time limits and dates this contest is running? Would love to participate! :proud:
  • AlexMercer
    fire67 said:
    Image effects are allowed, what about custom shaders ?
    Thanks for your answers @kubacupisz and @AlexMercer :)
    Custom shaders are indeed allowed, although it would be useful to include them with the short description/mood board to give the judges a bit of a background on what effects/atmosphere you were striving to achieve.
  • AlexMercer
    chafouin said:
    What about cutting the existing geometry to assign different materials, or the use of decals?
    And we need to keep it realtime, but can we still increase the resolution to whatever we want?
    1) Yes, however it should still resemble the Courtyard scene and the emphasis must still be on the overall environment.
    2) Presumably you mean the lightmap resolution? If so, you may indeed alter the resolution to whatever you want.
  • AlexMercer
    sidx30 said:
    Are multiple submissions allowed? What are the time limits and dates this contest is running? Would love to participate! :proud:
    What do you mean by submissions? You are allowed one submission with 3-6 images.
    The time limits are highlighted on the main contest page. It runs from June 2nd to August 2nd at 11:59PM PST

    Looking forward to seeing your entry!
  • arusso1351
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    arusso1351 polycounter lvl 4
    Where do we send submissions?
  • pachermann
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    pachermann polycounter lvl 10
    do you mind if any of the objects like for example the pyramid is floating or slightly mooving'?
  • lix42
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    lix42 null
    For some reason it takes ages to download the asset from the store(started an hour ago still 2%) :( .So can you upload the file to a file sharing website and then give us the link please?  =)
  • AlexMercer
    sidx30 said:
    Are multiple submissions allowed? What are the time limits and dates this contest is running? Would love to participate! :proud:
    What do you mean by submissions? You are allowed one submission with 3-6 images. As mentioned previously, these images do not all necessarily have to be related to one "mood." but can be diverse.
    The time limits are highlighted on the main contest page. It runs from June 2nd to August 2nd at 11:59PM PST

    Looking forward to seeing your entry!
  • JZAcH
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    JZAcH polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys, I'm new to unity and want to give a go at this. For some reason I cannot download the assets from the store. 

    There is a "Open in Unity" button on the asset store which opens the launcher when pressed and after that nothing happens. Not sure what exactly is happening here. Any help would be appreciated. 

    EDIT :  So I had to create a project first and download via the asset store within the editor. I think I managed to solve my problem xD 
  • Aerys
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    Aerys null
    With what we can use to record our video?
  • SkywayInteract
    I wanted to make a WIP thread but I am unsure where to post it? Can some help. Has no one posted a WIP thread yet?
  • bent_vector
    I just started one in the root of the Enlighten Contest topic (i.e. up one level)
  • AlexMercer
    Where do we send submissions?
    We will create a final entries forum in due time. It will appear as a sticky thread here.
  • AlexMercer
    I wanted to make a WIP thread but I am unsure where to post it? Can some help. Has no one posted a WIP thread yet?
    You can create a WIP thread here: http://polycount.com/categories/enlighten-contest
  • AlexMercer
    do you mind if any of the objects like for example the pyramid is floating or slightly mooving'?
    Unfortunately not. Please refer to one of our rules: 

    "Contestants are also allowed to change textures and material properties however; they are not allowed to reposition any part of the larger structural environment assets such as walls, ceilings, doors etc."
  • kubacupisz
    JZAcH said:
    Hey guys, I'm new to unity and want to give a go at this. For some reason I cannot download the assets from the store. 

    There is a "Open in Unity" button on the asset store which opens the launcher when pressed and after that nothing happens. Not sure what exactly is happening here. Any help would be appreciated. 

    EDIT :  So I had to create a project first and download via the asset store within the editor. I think I managed to solve my problem xD 
    Pressing the "Open in Unity" button on the Asset Store page with the Courtyard project will launch Unity*, open the Asset Store window (if it was not open) and navigate to that project there.

    *) This will will show the launcher where you should create a new project, as you already found out.
  • kubacupisz
    lix42 said:
    For some reason it takes ages to download the asset from the store(started an hour ago still 2%) :( .So can you upload the file to a file sharing website and then give us the link please?  =)
    That's indeed slow, perhaps there's no data center of the CDN that we're using next to you. Here's the package for Unity 5.3.4f1: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1Ca8GQ0-oAIc1RDLTJiQ0NTZVk :)
  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    Is fog allowed? or any particle effects?
  • WiktorWasowski
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    WiktorWasowski polycounter lvl 3
    For some reason SSR doesn't seem to work in this project, even if attached to a fresh camera. I'm using Unity 5.3.5p3 and the newest version of Cinematic Image Effects and the target platform is desktop. Does it conflict with the planar reflections or something?
    I'm getting the following warning:

    Missing shader for image effect CenterEyeAnchor (UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.ScreenSpaceReflection) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarningFormat(String, Object[]) UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.ImageEffectHelper:IsSupported(Shader, Boolean, Boolean, MonoBehaviour) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Effects/CinematicEffects(BETA)/Common/ImageEffectHelper.cs:20) UnityStandardAssets.CinematicEffects.ScreenSpaceReflection:OnEnable() (at Assets/Standard Assets/Effects/ImageEffects/Scripts/ScreenSpaceReflection.cs:408) UnityEditor.HostView:OnGUI()

  • AlexMercer
    Is fog allowed? or any particle effects?
    Yes and yes
  • KeiTagura
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    KeiTagura vertex

    Just to be sure, about the lighting.
    So no Enlighten per-compute correct?
    Just Realtime lights, emissive materials and light/reflection probes,yes?

  • AlexMercer
    KeiTagura said:

    Just to be sure, about the lighting.
    So no Enlighten per-compute correct?
    Just Realtime lights, emissive materials and light/reflection probes,yes?

    Hi! You are not allowed to bake the final scene. You are however encouraged to pre-compute the scene/static geometry, then edit, add lights and emmissive materials etc. in real time (it is after all how Enlighten works).
  • Subtle 1rony
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    Subtle 1rony polycounter lvl 10
    How extensively can we add our own models to the scene? For example if I wanted to add a roof to enclose the open ceiling, would that be allowed? It would be adding a larger scale element without re-positioning any of the existing assets.
  • Port-Seven
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    Port-Seven polycounter lvl 7
    When I want to view the scene in game mode (hitting the play button) it moves the camera up to the top of one of the towers, which I believe is the beginning of some camera tracking. How can I disable this so that when I preview the scene in real time the in game view matches my scene view so I don't have to run around looking for the changes that I make?

    EDIT: I think I've found my solution - just jump back to the scene view. Alternatively I did also find out how to toggle the camera animation/day and night cycle.
  • garcellano
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    garcellano greentooth
    Is it fine to re-position the 24 slanted pillars around the Courtyard ring?
  • EminentSun
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    EminentSun polycounter lvl 5
    Two questions; 1.Can we touch up images in Photoshop, not to call anyone out, but I have seen it in some threads and wanted to make sure it was allowed before doing it in mine. 2. In the final submission should we have a description for every image or one for the whole collection.
  • AlexMercer
    Hi @EminentSun
    Two questions; 1.Can we touch up images in Photoshop, not to call anyone out, but I have seen it in some threads and wanted to make sure it was allowed before doing it in mine. 2. In the final submission should we have a description for every image or one for the whole collection.

    1. No, touching up images in Photoshop is not allowed, all images must be captured/screenshot-ed directly from Unity 5 (1920x1080 PNG image). 
    2. Descriptions should be for one mood/atmosphere/theme. So if you have 6 images for one mood, one short description would suffice. It's just to give us a background and more info on what you were striving for and aiming to achieve.

  • AlexMercer
    How extensively can we add our own models to the scene? For example if I wanted to add a roof to enclose the open ceiling, would that be allowed? It would be adding a larger scale element without re-positioning any of the existing assets.
    Small-medium sized props or light sources (Chandeleirs etc.) are allowed. Anything big would likely detract from it. Ultimately this is a lighting competition, and everything will be judged on the following criteria:
    • Quality of lighting (Use of direct & indirect light, shadowing etc.)

    • Art style(s) (Concept art, art direction, description of images etc.)

    • Compositional strength (Use of colour, contrast etc.)

    • Originality

  • WiktorWasowski
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    WiktorWasowski polycounter lvl 3

    1. No, touching up images in Photoshop is not allowed, all images must be captured/screenshot-ed directly from Unity 5 (1920x1080 PNG image). 
    What about aliasing though? Since we only produce static images it would be way better to be able to render with higher resolution and downscale to 1920x1080 to get rid of aliasing, than to use post-processing effects for this. Can we do this?
  • AlexMercer
    Hi @Wiktor

    Wiktor said:
    What about aliasing though? Since we only produce static images it would be way better to be able to render with higher resolution and downscale to 1920x1080 to get rid of aliasing, than to use post-processing effects for this. Can we do this?
    Unity doesn't have tempral aa, which gives good screenshots without aa

    But yes, capturing in high res and scaling down is allowed. However, do not allow any additional retouches.
  • bac9-flcl
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    bac9-flcl polycounter lvl 10
    Re: capturing supersampled images, I can recommend the SSAA asset from the Asset Store, which can save 2x to 4x supersampled images with Lanzcos resampling for you, straight out of the Editor. Quite a bit more handy than running a build with a custom resolution and scaling stuff in PS every time you need new images.
  • Port-Seven
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    Port-Seven polycounter lvl 7
    Do we submit our final screenshots anywhere in particular or simply upload them to our WIP thread?
  • fire67
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    fire67 polycounter lvl 8
    Do we submit our final screenshots anywhere in particular or simply upload them to our WIP thread?
    Great question !
  • AlexMercer
    Do we submit our final screenshots anywhere in particular or simply upload them to our WIP thread?
    A final submission thread will be posted in a day or two.
  • Port-Seven
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    Port-Seven polycounter lvl 7
    Depth of field (or any post-effect such as bloom) doesn't seem to be working when I take a screenshot. Any reason why? The screenshot is saving pretty instantaneously to the folder as well. I'm not sure if it should be taking longer to include all the post-processing effects.

    EDIT: Found a tool on the asset store that does this and works.
  • KeiTagura
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    KeiTagura vertex
    A final submission thread will be posted in a day or two.

    Not to sound nagging, but that post was about 5 days ago, am I missing something or is the submission thread not up yet?

    As the dead line is in less than a 2 days away I'm wondering if I should just add the final screenshots to the W.I.P. thread or make a thread for my final screenshots, cause there is a good chance I will be busy on the date of the deadline and would hate to miss submission.

    Any more info on this would be greatly appreciated,

  • AlexMercer
    KeiTagura said:

    Not to sound nagging, but that post was about 5 days ago, am I missing something or is the submission thread not up yet?

    As the dead line is in less than a 2 days away I'm wondering if I should just add the final screenshots to the W.I.P. thread or make a thread for my final screenshots, cause there is a good chance I will be busy on the date of the deadline and would hate to miss submission.

    Any more info on this would be greatly appreciated,

    Hi Kei,

    Apologies for this, we had a small miscommunication internally as to who would post the thread. The final submissions thread is now up, plus we have decided to extend the deadline by a week!

    Looking forward to seeing your entry. 
  • fire67
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    fire67 polycounter lvl 8
    Small question about image hosting, it seems that imgur is converting png to jpg when they are to heavy and its specified in the rules to post a png image. What service do you recommend ?
  • tdlacct
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    tdlacct null
    I accidentally posted an entry multiple times because it kept giving me an error. I edited the copies to only contain a "-", but I don't see a way to delete them entirely.

  • Subtle 1rony
    Offline / Send Message
    Subtle 1rony polycounter lvl 10
    I know the rules state 1920x1080 pngs, but will it really be an issue if we use jpegs? I primarily use imgur and it seems to only host jpegs, as noted by fire67 above. 
  • bent_vector
    I know the rules state 1920x1080 pngs, but will it really be an issue if we use jpegs? I primarily use imgur and it seems to only host jpegs, as noted by fire67 above. 
    Just use TinyPNG: https://tinypng.com/
  • Subtle 1rony
    Offline / Send Message
    Subtle 1rony polycounter lvl 10
    oh cool, I will give that a try. Thanks!
    Edit: it seems imgur works fine if your pngs aren't too large. 
  • WiktorWasowski
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    WiktorWasowski polycounter lvl 3
    Hello, I posted my final submission abount 8 hours ago and it' still not approved. I resubmitted a moment ago in hope it appears there.
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