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Answered: Changing Default monitor for Quixel Suite.

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Spiralface triangle
Hey all. 

Silly question I know, but my Cintiq is actually my secondary monitor.  Is there a way to have Quixel suite pop up on my secondary monitor by default? Its just a minor irk that by default every tool pops up on my primary monitor and has to be dragged over to the secondary monitor every time I load up a Quixel tool. 


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Are you on SUITE 2.2? All windows except 3DO will recall their previous position in the latest version of Quixel SUITE.
  • Spiralface
    Offline / Send Message
    Spiralface triangle
    I upgraded and saw that the main bar now updates to the desired monitor, but all the individual menu's are still forming on the primary monitor first. 

    So If I open photoshop, and then open the suite, the suite will indeed launch on the desired window, but clicking on any of the applications will still have them always launch on the Primary monitor.  It gets a bit tedious to drag the menu's back to my secondary every time I launch ndo or any of the other apps. 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Are you on Facebook? Please join us at Quixel Live Support so we can work together with our SUITE programmer to resolve this error for you. :smile:
  • Spiralface
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    Spiralface triangle
    Thanks.  I've sent in my request to join. 

    To help a bit more, I've noticed that it only re-sets to the Primary monitor if I "close" the window through the "x" button rather then just toggling it off from the suite toolbar. 

    If I toggle it form the toolbar, it retains its spot in the program, if its through the "x" button, if I reload the application it will still go to the Primary monitor. Fresh launches of the application through a photoshop re-start still takes it to the primary monitor. 
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