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UE4 - Witcher 3 Inspired - City Street

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nnodley vertex
Hey guys,

First post on polycount and looking for some feedback on my environment.  

Foliage will all be redone as I've never hit a good quality with foliage that I've been happy with.  I'm doing a foliage/rock study to figure out a good PBR pipeline and plant material creation.  

I feel this scene needs some more dirt, damage, etc. for a more lived in feel.  

I started the environment in Mid February and worked up until the final week of april, first week of may and haven't touched it since.  Had some family stuff and vacation this month so I took that time to step back a bit from it and come back with fresh eyes.  Currently starting back on it and want to finish it out hopefully within 2 weeks at a good quality that I am confident in.  

I did currently finish university and had applied to studios with no luck so I'm taking till mid July or first of August to polish 2 of my environments to a higher quality and feel very confident in them. As well to rework my portfolio with better breakdowns and final screens. 

If you want to take a look at my portfolio the link is: nodley.wix.com/artist
One note about the portfolio is the crystal temple scene is going to be taken off as its the weakest project and am gonna polish out the city street and redo most of the jungle paths cliffs and foliage.  And add/tweak some stuff.

Lastly, hope I get some great feedback and suggestions to make this scene way better. 


  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    first impressions: Add more polygons. Like a shit ton more. everything is very square, flat and boxy, it looks like the polygon counts of a early xb360 game. 

    I would make some big chunky modeled stone pieces that use the same texture as the street and line up with the texture that you can crash through the ground to really add some surface depth and variation. looking at games like uncharted 4, witcher 3 etc, they really add geo detail all over the ground and corners of walls to add extreme detail and chunkyness that helps add weight to the world. 

    I think this is a common mistake most people who are learning make, thinking of the mindset that used to be "I have to save polys". nowdays you can usually get away with 1.5-2.5 million tris on screen for environment at any given time. with occluders and various LOD's thats how modern games can look so good. I would make a folder with a ton of witcher screenshots and try and figure out exactly how they achieved the look they have and then directly compare your work to theirs and see what it is lacking. 

    This is a good start but you should look at this as a base to go a bit crazy on top of, especially for portfolio work. add chunky modeled tile pieces to the roofs to break the silhouette, big variations in the ground/ puddle decals, dirt decals etc to really add some life and flavor to the scene it is currently lacking.
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