Hello, I'm wondering how you can make an effect like this one:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjpEV0vzDpkThe first part where the bees are walking in his hand.
Do you animate them on max/maya/blender etc, make them follow a path via programming inside the game engine or ... ?
Thank you very much.
To get better responses, it would help to compose better subject lines.
For example: "How animate Bioshock bees walking on FPS hands?"
I suspect they just brute-force animated each bee. The hands don't change shape, not much anyhow.
I know Irrational Games used 3ds Max and Unreal to make Bioshock, and Max has an easy way to make objects animate along a spline. From there it's easy to bake that down into regular position/rotation/scale keys, which a game like Unreal can load easily.
If it wasn't done in unreal through cascade then it could have been done with the 3dsmax particle system then baked out. But I doubt that, It wouldn't have any randomness to it, unless they baked out several simulations and randomly picked one each time which seems wasteful and unlikely. Yep, I lean toward it being a cascade particle effect.
Like here:
If anyone has more ideas they are welcome!