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Sketchbook: Applethief

polycounter lvl 5
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Applethief polycounter lvl 5
Hi! I thought I should start a thread. 

A little bit about me; 
I'm a 3D artist based in England but my job also involves a fair amount of 2D concepting. I graduated two years ago and now I work on casino games so let's just... get that out of the way. Ultimately I'd like to work with real time games and stuff that has more than one button. 

Crits are absolutely welcome! I would really appreciate it. 

Here are some personal things I'm whittling away on at the moment. 

This dude is a zbrush sculpt at the moment but ultimately he is going in a Marmoset pedestal with another character I haven't got a shot off at the moment. I'm procrastinating on retopping him...

A painting WiP. 

These guys are a little lunch fanart project of some Dragon Age characters for fun. I started with the elves, then wanted to see if I could recycle them into something very different, so made the Bull. He needed a few extra loops. Maybe next I'll do a dwarf? Also maybe I'll do a less grainy render.

Cheers! Looking forward to posting and looking at what people make.  
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