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To work with SubstancePainter 2 or something else?

polycounter lvl 8
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MediumSolid polycounter lvl 8
Hi guys, I'm relatively new to texturing stuff and what not, but when I saw SP2 I thought I'd give it a try since it's able to give almost seamless overlap in textures and it also has a lot of generators that make your life easier and your workflow/texturing faster. But like always, there's a catch, since this program isn't the most hardware friendly software out there I've noticed my PC struggles a little bit with it, especially when the real time display resolution is set to 2k. So in that case, should I bump down my real time display resolution to 512 and when I think I'm done with texturing, I could scale the resolution back to 2k to see how it turned out and then export it at a much higher resolution like 4k? Or should I just switch to more traditional texturing in 2D softwares like Gimp or Photoshop?

I've got to admit something. I've never actually tried to switch to 2D UV map texturing in SP2, maybe that will increase the performance of my PC? Ohh yeah, and the things I need to texture are mostly hardsurface stuff like handgrenades, various small arms etc.

These are my specs:

AMD Radeon R9 270
AMD FX(tm)-8300 Eight-Core Processor 3.30 GHz
MotherBoard MB AM3+ 970, 2xPCIe/DDR3/SATA3/USB3.0/GLAN/7.1


  • Jerc
    Offline / Send Message
    Jerc interpolator
    Just going from 8GB of ram to 16 or 24 should make a HUGE difference, and will make you life easier for any kind of work, not only Painter.
  • MediumSolid
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    MediumSolid polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks, I wasn't hopping to hear that since it costs money. But it's the reality we live in, so I guess I'll have to spend some more money.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Thanks, I wasn't hopping to hear that since it costs money. But it's the reality we live in, so I guess I'll have to spend some more money.
    Yes, 8 gigs is just not enough these days. I've 32gigs and am going to double it soon as it'sjust not enough. :) plus, it's dirt cheap. I always allow for future-proofing when I put a new rig together knowing I'll need more  a ram sooner or later.....
  • MediumSolid
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    MediumSolid polycounter lvl 8
    How much would 32GB of RAM be in your country, here it would amount to a figure of 300 dolars. Ohhh.....
    And I forgot to mention, it was actually my mistake it lagged so much in SP2. I've assigned to each separate model an idividual material instead of the same, that's why the program couldn't handle it. It's fixed now, but I'd lie If I'd say that I wouldn't mind having a 32-64 GB of RAM, DDR3 of course.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    You could probably get 32gigs(4x8) for half that price if you get it online from the U.S. You need to find out first how many slots you have on your machine.
  • MediumSolid
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    MediumSolid polycounter lvl 8
    I think I've got more than four left on my motherboard, so that's not a problem. But buying something from the US isn't very safe or economic, and I besides I was wrong. Here in my country, 32GB of DDR4 Ram would cost around 165US dollars and it's faster since it's bought locally and you also get a warranty. So it's basically my fault for spreading misinformation before checking.
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