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Spaceship/Car panelling methods

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Atuli null
Hey guys some help with this would be super appreciated, I've been working on this spaceship but I want to start again because there must be a better way to model the panelling on it. I've basically just cut valleys into the mesh as you can see in the examples but the problem is when the model gets bigger it starts to get a lot more complicated in terms of control edges etc. To me it looks ok but there must be a better way to do it. 

Whats the best way to model panels like this? I'm thinking I could model each panel separately and give them a shell modifier and just piece the whole thing together like that? maybe with a lower poly mesh underneath. 

I was wondering if I made a mesh as the shape is there a way to make the panelling and easily conform them to the underlying mesh?

As I said some help would be awesome because I'm sure this is some pretty basic fundamental stuff. 


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