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Firefly/Serenity Fan Art WIP: Renee Nejo

polycounter lvl 6
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Nay_HO polycounter lvl 6

I love this show. A while back I blocked out the ship and I think I’m going to pick it up again. You gotta make stuff for YOU, ya know? :D 

This as fun as hell to work on, and I think it will continue to be as long as I’m a fan of the series…which will be Fo-EVA <3 

The level is totally playable in Unity 5, and my plans are to do some texture work with Substance. This is something I do for fun;  ore progress to come. I want bring the art to completion and post a playable First-Persion, Interactive Walk-through online. I <3 Unity

I’ll keep you posted. 


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