Hi All,
So I can't remember if I asked this question in the past or not.
So I use techniques/tools such as the Split Polygon Tool, Edge Loop Tool, Extrude, etc. in Maya.
Are there any other techniques/tools that everyone else has used in Maya that they thought was extremely useful/helpful?
I don't know if it matters depending on the type of object that you are modeling, or if it matters if you are an 3D Environment Artist or not. Any feedback on this is greatly appreciated. Thank you
It depends on what you're doing, but the snap/pivot edit mode (d key) is awesome and incredibly useful, particularly in hard surface or architecture stuff. The ctrl, shift and ctrl+shift keys change in this context too. For example if you have a set of verts you need to move along some weird angled edge, you can snap the pivot to a vert along the edge, then aim it to the other vert on that edge.