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New forum feature added: Ignore

We've added a new feature to the Forums, by request.

You can now ignore someone who is either harassing you, or whose posts you just can't stand anymore.

  1. Go to your Account Options (head-and-shoulders icon), and choose Edit Profile.
  2. On the right you'll see an option "Ignore List".
  3. Type in the name of your arch-nemesis, and press Enter, or click the OK button.
  4. You can ignore up to five users at a time.

Now their posts will appear empty to you, and look grayed out. But if you really want to see what they've posted, just click on a post to reveal it.

Also, if they try to send you a private message, they will see this:
Unable to create conversation, (your name) is ignoring you.

You can easily un-ignore people too, via the same interface.

We hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions. More features on the way... 


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