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Games Art Student - Portfolio Feedback

polycounter lvl 6
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Soily26 polycounter lvl 6
Hi guys, I'm a long time lurker, first time poster :) 

I'm a second year games art student and recently as part of a unit a university had to create a portfolio, so this is the first time I've put my work out there and would love to get some feedback and tips from you guys. 


Thank you 


  • pmiller001
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    pmiller001 greentooth
    ON my computer some of your images don't appear on the front page, so thats a thing. 
    The Head is your weakest piece I'd take it out
    You've got at least 4 textures, I think you should provide some context for them. Like put them in a scene, just dropping them there, doesn't really do it for me. 
    The modeling isn't bad for the Greek Courtyard, Its very clear you're a student. I do think you can push the detail MUCH further. Don't stop here, Really make me BELIEVE its a greek court yard. Right now, For example, the fountain just looks like a textured cylinder to me. 

    As far as yourwebsite, I'd change the color of the background, the bright white is an eyesore. 
    What exactly do you want to do? model props? characters? make textures? whatever it is, lets see more of that. 

    Much better than I was at that time of life. Keep up the good work. !
  • BetaRazer
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    BetaRazer polycounter lvl 6
    Hi there, here are some suggestions I've got for your portfolio.

    Home page; some of the images don't appear to have loaded. Might want to sort that.

    One of the main issues I find is the overall presentation. The images could be a little bit larger. Especially the ones at the bottom.

    The background whilst clear and not distracting, the white is a little overpowering. You could try a slightly darker hue instead.

    Navigation is a good start, but needs some changes. See if you can included a highlighted section, so that we know what page the user is on. Also, clicking of the thumbnails is somewhat offputting. They are small and fiddly, and it's much more easier to scroll down each page instead.

    As for the artwork itself:

    I like how you've listed the programs; they should be included at the top with some kind of description.  I'd like to see more images of the project as opposed to just 4. Was it a team project? What other details about it can you share? I also agree with @pmiller001, there is much more detail you could add. Try looking up more Greek courtyards to see what filler geometry and assets you could add.
    The showing of individual elements is good; it could be complimented with a wireframe breakdown. A full visual panorama would be ideal to include too, the area seems a little small.

    The Alice in Wonderland work; an environment to include everything in would be great to include.

    ZBrush sculpt is more defined than the Mudbox head sculpt; I'd bin that one as it seems the weaker one of the two.

    Hand-Painted texture page; a plane is a much better way of displaying your textures, as opposed to a cylinder.

    As for your About/CV; make them 2 separate webpages. I'm not even sure an image of yourself is needed on your CV?
    CV lacks some bite. Needs something to fill the small gap at the bottom, such as hobbies or interests. Are you passionate about games? List that too. I noticed that you haven't listed any experience, but despite this, it is not always a bad thing. Other than that; it's clear and well presented. Icons are a good touch too.

    Keep it up in the meantime.
  • Soily26
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    Soily26 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks so much guys. 

    I removed the head earlier today including the images from the fist page so that may be why some of them aren't showing up. 

    Feedback for for the art work is great. I did the head and the beginning of the year and I couldn't decide whether to put it in or not but have since realised it's useless as I'm not a character artist. I also did half the courtyard at the beginning of the year then revisited it at the end to add some polish and I think you can tell which sections I did before I learnt so much this year.

    I'm going to take the summer to improve it and I'll certainly add more information to each piece. 

    Feedback has has been so helpful thank you again! 
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