Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Ukase Death Ritual

A lil bit about me:
I'm a beginner learning to draw. I just turned 20 today (bought myself a tablet 2 celebrate). I live in Montreal & I work as a dishwasher. I used to make electronic music but i'm putting that on hold so I can focus on drawing.

I'm trying to get good enough to become a professional illustrator by the time I'm like, 26.

I'm gonna post practice pictures in this thread daily. But not today.

Even though a beginner's sketchbook is super boring to look at, I hope that some of you kind souls will offer advice, criticism and/or encouragement.



  • Wing
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    Wing polycounter lvl 2
    Exciting! Good luck on your art journey, man! Don't get intimidated or discouraged everyone starts with stick blobs at first! You are already at an advantage by choosing to post on a forum like this with so many talented people who are also on their art quest!  Time to start grinding ex and lvling up those skills! 
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    Thanks a lot for the words of encouragement wing :smile:

    Today I unfortunately didn't get down to practicing. I ended up organizing my desktop and going through Sycra's photoshop tutorial series which is stupidly long for the amount of useful information even at 2.5x speed. But I learned a little bit about photoshop, so that's good.

    I pilfered some food at work from the pans that needed washing. Mmm.

    Here's an early page of cubes I did in my sketchbook:

    Here's a photo of a page of cubes I did last week:

    That's all for today, cheers.

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    Man, work today was brutal.
    Only practiced 1.5 hours cuz i'm a lazy bum. Gotta work on that.
    Organized my desktop a bit more, almost perfect.
    Tablet takes some getting used to. Not too bad though, guessing it will take about a week to feel normal.

    That's all for today.

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    today I only practiced for an hour cuz I'm a lzy fcker. Gonna have to try a bit harder.
    This second one took forever. It's a cube from a Marshall Vandruff Practice. I actually printed out and folded up the template and junk too so it's drawn from life. I also bought his perspective series. I dig that guy's enthusiasm.  

    Ended the day by getting drunk and listening to some burial, porter ricks and stereolab. Wooooord up.
    Really gotta get my shit together.

    Alright peace.
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    So since my last post I just smoked weed and made a few beats (https://soundcloud.com/roy-rang the first two)
    I set some more specific goals for art today because I feel like I needed that extra bit of motivation or whatever.
    Man jobs suck. My clothes get soaked at work and I come home and shuck them off into the laundry hamper but today I was looking for an old black shirt in there and I found out like everything in there had mold on it which was like surprising to me and nasty so now I need to deal with that which I guess isn't so bad but like today just coulda gone better overall. bleeeh

    I practiced for an hour today.

    thanks okay bye
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    today sucked but trying to get good at drawing gives me the will to live I guess

    Practiced for 3 hours which is an improvement on what I normally do. I'm trying to get up to 6 hours on work days and 14 hours on off days. It might take a couple months for that to feel normal but whatever.

    Also looked at some of Moebius's art. Haven't read any of his comics but I really want to.

    I need to do some research on deliberate practice so I can optimize my practice sessions. For now, I'm just gonna focus on one thing at a time (cubes: for a long time) because I think that's like one of the basic ideas.

    (I wonder if I get can get welfare if I get fired?)
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    Today I did three hours. Not great but at least I didn't backslide.

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