Heya, Guess this is my sketchbook.
So my current project is doing a realistic saitama from One punch man, which i've been working on on and off for a couple of weeks-ish.

Here is my current progress with some slight adjustments on the head below(this one has no bpr)

i'm trying to get the head both more realistic, and a little more masculine before i move onto the neck and start putting real detail into it. i feel he still looks a little undefined and androgynous to move to that next step.
any thoughts or critiques or even an example face for point of reference would be appreciated.
a small update to the head, I feel i've been able to push it a little more masculine. I'm really gonna aim to have this head and hopefully body sculpted and detailed by the end of the weekend hopefully.
then i gotta decide how i wanna tackle the clothing.
Ok caught something over the weekend which meant a slowed down on this massively, but he looks more masculine now, i've added some assymetry to the face, about as much as i'm comfortable(worried about going that step too far and it just looking wrong for the opposite reason).
.i'm a little wrried i've aged the face past the 20'd so I may smooth some areas/wrinkles. My other concern is right now whether he still looks asian or more caucasian now, i'll decide if and what with fresh eyes tomorrow.
again any tips, critique more than welcome
I ended up smoothing a lot of the detail as someone I know told me that he didn't look 20's and closer to 40's, from there I just went in and began detailing and this is where i'm at now.
Ok after some big hiccups i'm almost done, this sculpt has taken longer than I thought, I've been trying to do the topology and add it as i got instead of just doing it after to see if it helps with assymettry so hopefully by spending more time here, I won't have to do any more retopology and can go staight to textruing or rigging. Just gotta sculpt and fill out the boots a little and then add the zip part and it's done.
Forgot to post on this in a while, finally finished this a month-ish (give or take) ago. I learned a a fair amount of stuff from this, paticularly rigging and nvidia cloth tools. there's some more renders and a look at the textures on my artstation here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/z0KrL
already onto the next thing i wanna try, try to post soon.