Did a tiny bit of work tonight. I'm not sure I'm feeling this one. I may shelve it for now. It may be cool enough to finish out but I dunno if it's winning material.
Take your focus off the design in the middle and try design the other parts with natural gun elements. Combining the both usually gets very interesting and good results. A lot of people just slap art on the gun and don't think about anything else.
That was the idea, yeah, I stopped the center design work post before last. The first skin I did was parts, second was just an image, this one is both to try and cover all bases. Though I suppose the work on the stock isn't very impressive so I'll revisit that. I'm also not as into this design as I was mostly because I'm also not a huge fan of slapping an image on the side but that seems to be what is popular in the cs:go community for the most part so I'm integrating that here and there. Still going to slog through it and finish though.
Worked on it more today. I'm going to call this one finished. Have another competition starting Monday so we'll see if I get time for yet another cs:go skin.