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[Texture Practise for you!] I modeled a landmine for practise, now I want to share it with you.

Hey guys,

I hope this isn't the wrong place to post this, if it is I appologize, mabye an admin could move it to the right place.
I modeled a landmine for practise but I just cant get my textures right. So I had the Idea to share the model here so everyone can try and texture it for himselfe. We could eventually make some sort of contest out of it but I think just shareing it with each other would be quite nice too :)
The model is already UV-mapped too and I will upload the UV snapshot for the 2048x2048 texture too so you could streight up start playing around. 

Just to make this clear I dont want you to texture it for me, I want to see what others can do and also want to learn of your approaches. I also thought some might like the challenge and the possibility to learn something themselfes. 

Here is the link to all files: https://mega.nz/#!R9RBGQgT key: !KA07w-M_IlN7HunkMvwRAW4GyFvidfV18Wtk3CwnLNI
and a picture of the model.


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