I adore the sheer power and versatility of Zbrush, been using it for years but as I endravor to improve my workflow and streamline the process, I find myself wanting for a feature that to me seems almost common sense.
Much like Maya's ability to save/work from a Layered PSD, I wish Zbrush could do the same. IE, say I'm painting a tiger. I want its white belly to be on one layer, its Black stripes to be on another, and its orange fur to be on another. Three layers in Zbrush, when saved to a PSD, would open in Photoshop with each layers(with alpha channels) in tact.
Is this possible? if so, how do I do it?
If it isn't, why hasn't this been made a feature yet? It would go a very long way toward streamlining the process.
As it stands if I want to preserve the transparency of a layer, I have to paint it as black and white, using that as an alpha mask so I can composite them manually.
The reason being is that I use this method to generate PSDs that I can quickly recolor on the fly using color overlay layer effects(to create multiple iterations of my design for consumer choice).
Please let me know if I'm not being clear or if anything I've said doesn't make any sense.
This means the polymesh will turn into pixol data and no more object will be editable.
I know you asking about polypaint layer from uv map, but just to summarize the Zbrush capactities and clarify :
BPR can save a mask from the visible object you had rendered.
Just to let you know i am working on a plugin that is multi tool for game development but also for rendering features ( for Zbrush).
at the moment the only way i found to create layered PSD from my rendered map is to create a template for KRITA, and using File Layer. when you open the file each layer are filled with image, the path is setup and tied to the layer, but its a krita format file ( *.KRA).
I don't know if it works using relative path that would be nice gain of time, if you just have to export from KRA to PSD and everything still ok in photoshop.
I also had a look into python lib to merge and combine several psd together, but none of this library has such of feature.