Hello everyone! This environment is for my Game Development Capstone project. The scene I was told to make was a sci-fi abandoned medical space station following certain restrictions and design choices. It had to be a modular set as well as a horror styled sci-fi space station. Our deadline for a beta build for the game is May 28th, and I have good time to implement and iterate on art assets and other areas at this point. I'd like to get feedback here on how I could improve the space, including composition, lighting, prop choices all the way to particle systems. Currently, lighting is split between me and another team member.
Also, this is in Unity 5.3.4f1. Other tools to mention that have been used are Substance Suite and Quixel 2.0. EDIT: I just noticed a row of ceiling tiles that were proxy's put in at the time in a room. I'll swap those out. Furthermore, I have a new door assets that will replace those white ones that were in there at the time being.