I don't know why this happens, but when i "add custom material", the thumbnail created isn't the good visual as the creation one. I'm on the 2.1.4 (rolled back bugged 2.1.5). On old versions, i've never had any problems.
Look by yourself, this is the 256 thumbnail created by 3Do :

This is a screen during the material creation, just before click Done :

This is on an albedo only map, but it do the same for multi texture materials as well.
And this is the xml content :
<Material MaterialID="test_IKDJx9s-PUuzsGMwjvxQtw" PhysicalID="">
<Albedo Reflectance="49260B" FillOpacity="100" Opacity="100" Blend="normal" MaterialIntensity="50" MaterialBlend="linearLight"/>
Is this a bug or is there a trick to do ? Or do I need to create thumbnail myself ?
Thanks for reply

Any way to rerender the thunmbnail or do i need to re-create the materials with 2.1.6 ?