Here is a sample of the project i'm working for. It's still wip. I ran into lots of issues since i try to re-use Max. So i decide to make one thread to rule them all (ahem...)
Hi guys,
I try to re-use 3dsmax after using blender for a long time... And it is really hard...
Well, the issue is : the baker to texture doesn't seem render anything.
1. i use projection modifier
2. selection of all the higpholy to bake on my plane
3. go to rtt, tweak options etc
4. rtt say me "okay i baked your project" and nothing... nothing to eat, no files in 3dsmax file (scenesassets/image) and no files in my path file
The big things with that issue : it was working before, but i forgot to disable the padding (they are ugly) so i wanted to redo my baked. And it's there the RTT didn't work anymore.
Here is a screen capture to show you. Thanks by advance for your help guys
By the way, simple other question : for the moment, I feel hunted by issue like that, it's probably my mistake. What could i do to not flood the forum (i hope having no issue in the futur...). Just open a thread and post all things on it?
What is your Renderer set to? Mentalray has had trouble in the past with baking when the highpoly uses a Mentalray material.
"File Name And Type:" has a path in it, have you checked there?
It's not a problem to create new threads. This is what the forum is for! If you want you could make one thread and put all questions in it. This usually works well if you are working on a single project, and are asking questions about it.
I saw the frame buffer once, when i forgot to disable the padding.
After that, i when i hit the render button nothing happend, like if i missed my chance the first time (ahah).
I double checked the file name and type, but nothing on it.
For the renderer i use the default scanline. My material is quite simple : juste a map on the diffuse map.
Well i think i'll rename this thread and post on it
I disable the padding... It was my mistake... I didn't know RTT doesn't work while you disable this radio button.