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Mesh to mesh & landscape blending


So I've been trying to figure out a way to blend meshes to landscape, as well as blending them to other meshes as well. In particular for things such as rocks, tree roots etc. My goal was to:

A ) Be able to blend to other texture upon getting close to landscape and/or other meshes.
- So far I am using the Distance Fields (Distance to nearest surface) for making a mask on the intersections to use for blending into other texture.

B ) Terminate the lighting seam.
- For this I am using the same mask generated from distance fields to blend between a uniform normal color and the mesh normal.

Landscape and some spheres without the blending function.

With blending.

The result is acceptable so far. What's bothering me is that I couldn't find a way to soften the generated mask so far. As you can see the mask is sorta hard. I tried to multiply the mask with temporalAA but not much different. Any help on that would be appreciated.

Edit: I forgot to mention the "UE4" word in the context.  :p


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