I think the bridge of the nose is a bit too thin, the shadows in the image make it seem very thin but it's actually a bit wider I believe. Perhaps make the wrinkles less prominent in the eyebrow/top of the nose area.
I think the difficult part is getting the eyes to look a bit more relaxed/calm. The angle of the wrinkles at the sides of the eye almost make it look like he's squinting, where in the picture, he's a bit more relaxed I think.
Using artistic work as a reference is a huge no-no in realism. Use photographs where possible. Need to go down to a lower subdiv and work out the forms, its very lumpy feeling right now
Using artistic work as a reference is a huge no-no in realism. Use photographs where possible. Need to go down to a lower subdiv and work out the forms, its very lumpy feeling right now
I think the bridge of the nose is a bit too thin, the shadows in the image make it seem very thin but it's actually a bit wider I believe. Perhaps make the wrinkles less prominent in the eyebrow/top of the nose area.
I think the difficult part is getting the eyes to look a bit more relaxed/calm. The angle of the wrinkles at the sides of the eye almost make it look like he's squinting, where in the picture, he's a bit more relaxed I think.
Good sculpt. To push it further: 1. Check how the ear passes further than the head 2. The corner of the mouth is at an angle rather than a curve 3. The eyes are more squinting in the reference 4. The frontal process of zygomatic bone protrudes then goes back in at the top 5. The jaw is at a sharper angle
That's slightly better, but your model is "bumpy". This means you went too high resolution before you nailed the major forms. Work from a low resolution until you just can't squeeze anymore detail, then divide.
Personally, I would retopologize this, into a proper basemesh with nice topology, then slowly go higher subdiv, and project the sculpt back on. You will benefit A LOT with a proper topology mesh.
is it right way?
with pleasure, but I have only this sketch
yep you right
still need your critiques
1. Check how the ear passes further than the head
2. The corner of the mouth is at an angle rather than a curve
3. The eyes are more squinting in the reference
4. The frontal process of zygomatic bone protrudes then goes back in at the top
5. The jaw is at a sharper angle
I hope that helps!
and with pespective
hope this version will better
Good luck!
Something like this.