Edit: Filled! Thanks so much for everyone's applications!
Hi there! My game, The Fall, has gathered some fairly favourable attention since its release in 2014. I've been hard at work on a sequel, and could really use a concept artist to help me bring it up a few levels quality wise, and assist me in doing some layout work, so that I'm freed up to continue blocking in gameplay.
I need:
1. A few comps and paint-overs to explore how to improve on our current style while maintaining respect to the limits of our production bandwidth.
2. Some experimentation with how we can better use visual elements to underline our narrative themes.
3. A small set of layout sketches. I've got empty rooms with a list of needed gameplay objects, and I'm looking for someone with an eye for composition to flesh out these areas in a way that looks great and includes this explicit list of objects.
And of course, someone who's willing to work within our style and follow direction.
If you are interested in working on The Fall, please email John@OverTheMoonGames.com with a portfolio and your rate.