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Grazeart: Skeletor Fanart

polycounter lvl 6
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Graze polycounter lvl 6
Hi, it has been a long time since I started a thread so here goes. I saw Jake Parker's Skeletor Fanart recently and couldn't resist in having a bash at making him. My intentions are to make a lowpoly version of him rendered in Unreal. Here is the concept I am working from, I am really looking forward to getting stuck in!!!


  • Graze
    Offline / Send Message
    Graze polycounter lvl 6
    First WIP of Mr.Skeletor. Blocked out a first pass and just refining the base now. Need to fix some proportions but after this is all done I will probably do a quick rig to test everything is ok, and then move on to the fun part, SCULPTING!!!

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