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WORKSHOP LINK : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=681962433

Hello everyone! so i am making this MP9 with chrome on alot of parts, because according to spongetron everything made of chrome in the future!, and the name itself come from ROBOCOP + TRON = ROBOTRON B)

Here is my progress so far

and yeah there is a japanese letter, not sure if it's right, but scr*w 'murica, japan rule the galaxy 

a song just to inspire everyone : https://youtu.be/2fDiGdc8ZqE :3

Use the Force Luke, Spray and Pray. - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Ok so here is my progression so far! because i have to go to work :( , it is so hard that the scratches keep coming although i already make the alpha channel completely Black :c i will fix that later 


also, i already ask my pretty cute slave to pose with mp9 for me! because i am going to photoshop my skin to it for a presentation :3 

The time has come, Execute Order 69. - Padme Amida


WIP 2 will add more detail later, i am so lazy :c 

I AM DONE! finally haha, so this is the final result :smile:

My UV Map!



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