For characters is there any general guidelines on how much you should scale up UV islands relative to each other? I'm using UE4 and am wondering if there could be some weird mipmap changes if the islands are not the same size; yet I also think it's ridiculous for insignificant texture areas to take up the same amount of space as those that need more detail.
Lately I've been equalizing the size of all islands then scaling up the areas that need the most detail by 25%.
I have a 75% 100% and 125% uv shell pile. I normalize all of my shells, then scale them smaller if they are low priority and scale them up if they are high priority, as long as they don't cause crazy mis-match. If you are finding you have a TON of low priority shells, then you are over-modelling your object.
If something is insignificant enough that you want to scale it down, maybe it shouldn't be there at all (like the underside of a table.)