I know it’s a tale as old as time, and please don’t get mad at me for asking because I’ve been reading every polycount topic on normal maps/baking for the past 3 days and still can’t find an answer, but i’m still pulling my hair out because for the life of me I cannot figure out why two almost identical cubes, both with a bevel of 0.05, but one with 1 segment and one with 15 segments (low and high poly) creates these square artifacts upon baking the normal map!
Do the vertex normals of a flat surface on the low poly have to be IDENTICAL to the high poly version? The faces are the exact same size, the exact same rotation, and the exact same place in xyz space, history deleted, transforms frozen, ect. I’ve been reading the post ‘You’re making me hard (ect.)‘, Understanding average normals and ray projections (ect.)’, and scouring the internet in general, but I can’t seem to find anything about this and I would greatly appreciate any help.
But more importantly, look at real-world usage. Color maps etc. will hide a multitude of small banding errors, once you get everything all working together in-game.
So, do a full pipeline to see what the impact is. Probably not worth the extra effort, in the end.
I see that now, I just finished the asset I was having that trouble with and in the end the roughness level and base color covered the bands up anyway :P Thanks for the input!