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[UE4 Cinematic] Divided Kingdom

polycounter lvl 8
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Bomber polycounter lvl 8
Hello Polycounters! This is our second year project at the University of Hertfordshire. Ben Macauley and I, Sebastian Vomvas, have been working on it as environment artists, along with our character artist Keön Viljoen and our composer/voice actor Sam Blake.

Divided Kingdom is set in a dystopian near future, during the aftermath of a bloody civil war in the once United Kingdom, fought between the Government forces and the Private Military Companies. The protagonist is a former soldier of the British Army, now making a living as a mercenary, taking contracts from whichever side he chooses.

This is the current version of the cinematic 'trailer' for this game:


We have been given a couple of weeks to polish it and make it better for our final expo. We would really appreciate it if you could rip it apart and crit it to the ground, so we can improve it as much as possible. :)

We have also entered The Rookies with it:


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