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Spline Modeling with Modo: Doesn't work as planned?

polycounter lvl 6
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ambelamba polycounter lvl 6
I know that Modo is primarily a sub D modeler, but I wanted to try patch modeling using splines. I realized that spline modeling is not the strong part of Modo, after fiddling with the functions for an hour. 

First, the patched geometry looked OK, until I thickened it. Suddenly I see seems and unwanted gaps everywhere. After trying to make a shield using a different method, I came to believe that edge extend is the best way to model things like cars and things with smooth, organic surface. 

BTW, thicken command also doesn't work as I planned. I do turn off the symmetry just in case, but the end result often looks broken and manually fixing broken geometry is just time consuming. Or, maybe I fail to realize that it's all part of the modeling process as usual.

I will post the Youtube video I uploaded.


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