Here is my first plugin i want to share. It is for duplicating objects along curve.
You can find on creativecrush some scripts for that, but i want some features that i cant find there.
So here is video. Hope it describes main ideas:
It is still WIP, so i would be glad for ideas.
Released/Updated scripts
Curve tweaker script
I'm looking for a better hair workflow, getting curves down is a pain sometimes, so I think this will be a big help. Would it be possible to add the ability to tweak any curve in the scene instead of the currently selected one without selecting it first? Or to also make the same tweaks to a set of selected curves, such as a hair clump.
In your marking menu, I saw "polyStrip" and got excited.
I will fix problem with need re-entering asap.
polyStrip node is for creating polygonal strip along curve on top of polyobject. I want share it too
# Error: NameError: file c:\...\ysvCurveTweakerCtx.py line 67: global name 'getInVewObjs' is not defined #
I'm on 2016 ext 2 in case that matters.
When double clicking the shelf for the option box, I get:
# Error: TypeError: file C:\apps\Autodesk\Maya2016.5\Python\lib\site-packages\pymel\internal\pmcmds.py line 134: Invalid arguments for flag 'v'. Expected int, got unicode #
If multiple curves are drawn to the same poly surface, the start or end points snap to the nearest curve, (probably based on the Step size). The cylinder in this case; if I drag a curve off of it, it doesn't snap, but if i drag it back to anywhere on that cylinder, it snaps back to the other curves, regardless of where I released the mouse. But if I draw a new curve, it doesn't snap until I try to tweak it, and only then if the start/end CV's will be affected by that tweak.
Ctrl+LMB tends to leave CV's visible, which can get messy.
I really like the new soft select, and being able to freely tweak a curve if it's not selected, thanks for that!
THis is a feature. It can be switched of in UI, which you cannot see, because it didnt work for you((.
A will fix it asap(((
It difers from previous version. just paste this one time in python tab of script editor and press cntrl+enter:
UI will work normally.
I think most of it is easy to understand except "cut curves while snapping", but videos are still helpful.