Hey i'm working on a character and i was wondering if i could get some feedback on my pants. i don't really care about the shirt because it will be mostly coverd up.This is my first time sculpting cloth and i feel like the wrinkles are very bad haha.

Those cargo pants you're sculpting should stick more to the body in the crotch area as this is usually the part where it's tighter, there's more tension and memory folds are more likely to appear. I don't know if you're going for high boots of regular shoes, but if the pants aren't tucked in the shoes and relax, the cloth should float more freely at the bottom (unless this is a skinny fit ?)
The pockets would benefit from not having the wrinkles making a perfect continuity with the rest of the pants. Right now they look very flat.
Pic related : the front crotch is pretty flat, lots of memory folds since this area is stretched a lot during walk. The back of the knee is again composed of really tight memory folds caused by compression in a small area. In the very bottom, larger wrinkles, this time caused by tension from a hanging point, going from up to down where it relax and compress naturally depending on the length of the jeans, its material properties, and how it falls on the shoes.
This might not be the type of pants you want to emulate but some principles can apply to your cargo pants. Again I'm not very good at cloth so I may be wrong on some parts, you guys feel free to correct me.
Keep it up, I'd want to see updates on this !
I'm definitely going to get a lot of reference for the other cloth of this character thanks for all the tips and advice.
Thanks for sharing.
quick high poly render of the boots.