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maya to 3ds / 3dsmax to maya - general questions

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another caveman greentooth

I'm going back to Max after a little while working with Maya.
I guess I'm not the only one in that position so here's a thread for all of us

I got a question about splines in Max: in maya I remember pressing L when moving a control points of my spline to edit it in a smooth way (the whole spline would follow my moves very smoothly)

Any similar option in Max?



  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Right click a vert and set the interpolation : corner, smooth, bezier,  bezier corner. When you're  creating a spline knots are laid down depending on whether you just click (corner) or click drag (bezier)  

    You can drag bezier handles and also rotate them. Max's spline tools are very powerful, definitely superior to Maya's. 
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