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Solved: How do I add normal details once texturing has been started in QS2?

polycounter lvl 17
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chrisdekitchen polycounter lvl 17
Hey guys, I have a model that I've been doing some texture work on in QS2 but now I'd like to add some extra details to it that should only go into the normalmap of the model.

What is the best/easiest way of doing this? I've been trying different things in the program, adding new layers manually and then running NDo on that layer as well as other things but I can't get the result I want and I don't get the NDo options to tweak the look of the normalmap when it is converting.

I tried adding a bump map to the model but that's not really what I need either as it complicates things further.

Basically what I'd like to do in some simple way is to have the NDo workflow work on my already existing textures? Or do I have to work on the normalmap and then use the reimporter to get those details into the texturing scene?

I'm not sure I'm making any sense but how do you guys go about adding normal details while in the midst of the texturing workflow?


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    There's a couple of options you can take a look at.

    1. Edit the base normal map with NDO - not the one that DDO is currently using in its *.PSD structure. Once you're happy with the result, run DDO's Reimporter to rebuild your masks based on the new curvature information from your normal map.

    2. Use a Bump channel to add details as-needed. Export to a game engine profile and you'll get the bump channel combined into the normal map.

    I generally don't add normal details unless they're minor ones - what I end up doing in that case is adding a Bump channel and painting in depth if needed.

    Hope that helps! :smile:
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