// a function to be called when the button gets clicked.
proc highPolyPreview() {
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
string $shape[] = `listRelatives -type mesh $sel`;
int $currentCrease = `getAttr ($shape[0]+".smoothLevel")`;
if ($currentCrease == 0 || $currentCrease == 2)
for ($i=0; $i<(size($shape)); $i++)
if ($sel[$i]==""){break;}
select $sel[$i];
polySelectConstraint -m 3 -t 0x8000 -sm 1; // to get hard edges
polyCrease -value 3.0;
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 4 -polygonObject 3;
setAttr ($shape[$i]+".smoothLevel") 4;
polySelectConstraint -sm 0; // turn off edge smoothness constraint
select $sel;
//Toggle off high poly preview
for ($i=0; $i<(size($shape)); $i++)
if ($sel[$i]==""){break;}
select $sel[$i];
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 0 -divisionsV 0 -pointsWire 4 -pointsShaded 1 -polygonObject 1;
setAttr ($shape[$i]+".smoothLevel") 2;
select $sel;
// a function to be called when the button gets clicked.
proc finalizeMesh() {
file -force -options "v=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -pr -es "Documents/temp.mb";
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($x in $sel)
select $x;
polySelectConstraint -m 3 -t 0x8000 -sm 1; // to get hard edges
polyBevel3 -fraction 0.5 -offsetAsFraction 1 -autoFit 1 -depth 1 -mitering 0 -miterAlong 0 -chamfer 0 -segments 1 -worldSpace 1 -smoothingAngle 30 -subdivideNgons 1 -mergeVertices 1 -mergeVertexTolerance 0.0001 -miteringAngle 180 -angleTolerance 180 ;
polySelectConstraint -sm 0; // turn off edge smoothness constraint
proc revertMesh() {
ls -sl;
ls -sl;
file -import -type "mayaBinary" -rpr "temp" -options "v=0" -pr -loadReferenceDepth "all" "Documents/temp.mb";
// create a window
if (`window -exists autoHighPoly`) deleteUI autoHighPoly;
window -title "autoHighPoly" -widthHeight 300 194 autoHighPoly;
if (`windowPref -exists autoHighPoly`) windowPref -remove autoHighPoly;
showWindow autoHighPoly;
// define the layout of controls added
// to the window.
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -h 62 -cat "both" 0 -cal "center" -cw 300;
// create a button
button -label "Preview" -h 60 -w 300 -command "highPolyPreview" ;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -h 62 -cat "both" 0 -cal "center" -cw 300;
// create a button
button -label "Finalize" -h 60 -w 300 -command "finalizeMesh" ;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -cat "both" 0 -cal "center" -cw 300;
// create a button
button -label "Revert " -h 60 -w 300 -command "revertMesh" ;
// show the window we last created
showWindow autoHighPoly;
(Max script)
But as a feedback when pressing finalize i am getting this error :
// Error: line 57: Invalid flag '-depth'
but thanks a lot for the script <span>
Code below.
// a function to be called when the button gets clicked.
proc highPolyPreview() {
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
string $shape[] = `listRelatives -type mesh $sel`;
int $currentCrease = `getAttr ($shape[0]+".smoothLevel")`;
if ($currentCrease == 0 || $currentCrease == 2)
for ($i=0; $i<(size($shape)); $i++)
if ($sel[$i]==""){break;}
select $sel[$i];
polySelectConstraint -m 3 -t 0x8000 -sm 1; // to get hard edges
polyCrease -value 3.0;
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 3 -divisionsV 3 -pointsWire 16 -pointsShaded 4 -polygonObject 3;
setAttr ($shape[$i]+".smoothLevel") 4;
polySelectConstraint -sm 0; // turn off edge smoothness constraint
select $sel;
//Toggle off high poly preview
for ($i=0; $i<(size($shape)); $i++)
if ($sel[$i]==""){break;}
select $sel[$i];
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 0 -divisionsV 0 -pointsWire 4 -pointsShaded 1 -polygonObject 1;
setAttr ($shape[$i]+".smoothLevel") 2;
select $sel;
// a function to be called when the button gets clicked.
proc finalizeMesh() {
file -force -options "v=0" -typ "mayaBinary" -pr -es "Documents/temp.mb";
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
polySelectConstraint -m 3 -t 0x8000 -sm 1; // to get hard edges
//polyBevel -fraction 0.5 -offsetAsFraction 1 -autoFit 1 -depth 1 -mitering 0 -miterAlong 0 -chamfer 0 -segments 1 -worldSpace 1 -smoothingAngle 30 -subdivideNgons 1 -mergeVertices 1 -mergeVertexTolerance 0.0001 -miteringAngle 180 -angleTolerance 180 ; NEW MAYA CALL, BELOW LINE IS OLD MAYA CALL
polyBevel -com 0 -fraction 0.5 -offsetAsFraction 1 -autoFit 1 -segments 1 -worldSpace 1 -uvAssignment 0 -smoothingAngle 30 -fillNgons 1 -mergeVertices 1 -mergeVertexTolerance 0.0001 -miteringAngle 180 -angleTolerance 180 -ch 1;
polySelectConstraint -sm 0; // turn off edge smoothness constraint
displaySmoothness -divisionsU 0 -divisionsV 0 -pointsWire 4 -pointsShaded 1 -polygonObject 1; //turning off smooth display function
polySoftEdge -a 180 -ch 1;
proc revertMesh() {
ls -sl;
ls -sl;
file -import -type "mayaBinary" -rpr "temp" -options "v=0" -pr -loadReferenceDepth "all" "Documents/temp.mb";
// create a window
if (`window -exists autoHighPoly`) deleteUI autoHighPoly;
window -title "autoHighPoly" -widthHeight 300 194 autoHighPoly;
if (`windowPref -exists autoHighPoly`) windowPref -remove autoHighPoly;
showWindow autoHighPoly;
// define the layout of controls added
// to the window.
columnLayout -adjustableColumn true;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -h 62 -cat "both" 0 -cal "center" -cw 300;
// create a button
button -label "Preview" -h 60 -w 300 -command "highPolyPreview" ;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -h 62 -cat "both" 0 -cal "center" -cw 300;
// create a button
button -label "Finalize" -h 60 -w 300 -command "finalizeMesh" ;
setParent ..;
columnLayout -cat "both" 0 -cal "center" -cw 300;
// create a button
button -label "Revert " -h 60 -w 300 -command "revertMesh" ;
// show the window we last created
showWindow autoHighPoly;
Try this for finalizing multiple meshes:
This could be amazing.....if we had control over that.
Some feedback:
- Pressing 'Revert' on a 'Preview' mesh (that's not been 'Finalized') will cause problems.
- Pressing 'Revert' when 'Isolate Selection' is enabled: The reverted mesh will not be automatically loaded into the current isolated selection. The user will have to toggle out of isolate selection in order to see the mesh again.
- Make the 'Preview' button function even if the user is in component mode (automatically convert selection to mesh before running the 'Preview' operation?)
- Add 'Bevel Size' input setting to the UI
- Add 'Smooth Resolution' input setting to the UI (allow for control of smooth mesh divisons on finalized meshes)
- Add 'display hard edges colour' toggle button to the UI
The bevel options are only available in maya 2016.5 or higher