I'm not sure if it's possible but it would make some things easier to block out. What I'm looking to do is quickly block out an arm using 2 cylinders and I'm trying to make it so that it flows like this: Shoulder width -> Elbow width ; Elbow Width -> Wrist Width
I can definitely just build it up / push it down and make it work that way just fine but I'm curious if such a feature exists in Zbrush. In Blender it would be simply shrinking the vertices and the edges/faces would follow but Zbrush isn't like other programs and I'd completely understand if such a feature simply didn't exist.
Now you can work on your mesh as you would normally.
there are other ways to do this aswell: Zmodeler tools, masking and transpose, etc.....but this is the easiest if you're still getting used to ZB.