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Modo 902: How to move multiple vertices along their normal axis

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CybranM interpolator
Hi, I'm not sure if there's anything I've missed but I can't seem to find a way to move multiple vertices along their own normal axis. I know how to move a single vertex along its normal but not multiple at the same time.

I'm trying to make a cage for a simple object but I need some help with figuring this out. I've searched around but I can't find a good answer. The closest I've got was:
"You can change that in Tool Settings at any point. Double click on the rotate move and scale icons on the left side for example and change the settings in the Move Axis (set it to normals average)" from here but I can't double click the move tool, nothing happens.


  • Bek
    Offline / Send Message
    Bek interpolator
    Deform > Push. For more specific cases you could use local action center too.

    You should also (ideally) be saving your cage as a morph map. (Lists > Morph Maps)
  • CybranM
    Offline / Send Message
    CybranM interpolator
    Bek said:
    Deform > Push.
    Thanks, that's what I was looking for!

    Bek said:
    You should also (ideally) be saving your cage as a morph map. (Lists > Morph Maps)

    Do you know of a good tutorial on how to bake with a cage in modo? I think I know what you mean with the morph map but I'm still pretty new to the rendering in modo. I've used xNormal before and just exported the cage, highpoly and lowpoly and baked the maps there.
    It would save me time to be able to render using Modo itself and not have to export files all the time.
  • Bek
    Offline / Send Message
    Bek interpolator
    Not sure; MagicSugar posted some unreal baking videos in this thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/167869/modo-10-live-plus-30-day-trial/p3
    haven't watched them so not sure how relevant they are.

    If you want to stick with xNormal and export things manually, check out the pipelineIO script: you can export your lowpoly + cage in a single click after some setup. I use it to send high+low+cage to xNormal.
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