Hey Polycounters,
Im designing several creature busts in my evenings after work and thought it would be a good idea to see if i can get some feedback and try and improve as i go along as i am by no means what i would call a good painter.
Anyway if you see anything as i keep posting that i could improve on please shout and ill do my best to intergrate changes or develop the area of error

at the moment this would be what i would call the neutral creature and plan to get round to adding a background tonight to finish it off fully then move onto a good or evil variations and probably do a few more neutral ones

If you have any advice please shout

And then started on a very very quick version of a good alignment plan to do several quick versions on the way home tonight and paint up the better one of say 6 or 8 but for the sake of putting images up heres the "good" bear