Hi all.
I'm learning environment texturing for games at the moment; I have a modular texture set up with some wooden beams on it and a model with planks varying in length. There is one beam that I want the wooden texture to tile twice along and so have extended the UVs for it twice the size of the UV grid in the texture editor... Is this ok? Or should I tile it in the texture and make everything I want non-tiled only half the width?
Simple version: Can UVs go off the grid? Is this common practice or will I be crucified for it in the industry?
This actually now leads me to another question you could probably answer if you dont mind?:
I notice that some textures are quare and in powers of two as usual, but some are strange sizes (at least strange to me).
Take this texture for example by J-fletcher:
What is going on here? The layout of that texture is nuts so someone who's always kept thinks in square textures up until now. Can someone explain this?