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Looking for advice on hand modeling

polycounter lvl 5
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GoneAway polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone and thank you for reading. I have been following James Taylor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spi4lGxnMZg character modeling tutorial on youtube. I like his workflow and I find it useful for buidling a character's basemesh for sculpting. I am practicing everyday and I am trying to memorise the whole process before I move to animating and sculpting. At the time I am stuck at the hands. The problem I am facing is that James in his tutorial is modeling the hands in a way that there are two triangles left on both sides of the hand(outside, inside-palm). So to illustrate my issue, here is the character with the verts and edges visible:

The arms have 6 edge loops vertically and the hands have 8 edge loops. In order to match them together he ends up with this(left one is the outside, right one is the palm):

He doesn't address this issue in his tutorials and I came up with 3 solutions by watching other videos.
Solution 1:

Solution 2, just deleted the middle edge:

Or I could simply add 2 more edge loops on the arms and save all this work on the hands.

I am not sure which one is more optimal. When I move to higher subdivision levels, the edges get crowded and I feel they break the flow with the rest of the body mesh.
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