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Portfolio review

polycounter lvl 2
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Sharur polycounter lvl 2
I am looking for job at the moment. I would like to have a portfolio review from you guys. Thanks in advance!


  • Sam Leheny
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    Sam Leheny polycounter lvl 9
    I don't know much about such things, but it looks good to me.
  • melli06
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    melli06 polycounter lvl 2
    Hey there! I am not totally qualified, but I have heard many industry folks say to really focus on a few projects and really perfect them. This might look more like 3-4 decently large levels. I'd say the UE4 forest is probably your strongest piece so a couple of similar pieces might improve your portfolio significantly. I might take the knife and the alien bust off as they kind of broaden the focus of your portfolio. It really depends if you want to be a generalist or specialize in environment art however. Just focus on putting what represents your current skill level and avoid old work that might have sentimental value but doesn't really represent your current skills. Great work though! I wish you great luck in finding a job!
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I don't know much about the prop/envo side of things, but to echo what others have said before;

    * for the weapons; could you make more than just a single weapon as is ?  Say, the 'Sombra Gun', looks kinda futuristic Mass Effect-y to me. Could you make some more different weapons that would belong in the same universe ? Assault Rifle, Combat Shotgun, Sniper, Dual Pistols, etc. And/Or weapon attachments ?  Or import them into Unreal FPS template and see them in action (or just hands holding em) ?

    * for the envo, I would say at least add some more screenshots of multiple angles.
  • Sharur
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    Sharur polycounter lvl 2
    I was kind of hoping to get an advice as to how to improve the portfolio. Art-vise.
  • DweenieTodd
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    DweenieTodd polycounter lvl 3
    Hey man.

    For the weapons, i believe @PyrZern would be referring to adding as was mentioned, some attachments or maybe make a small scene, so the weapon isn't floating. Here's an example of my Portfolio:


    It's an example, but currently my Mossberg scene is a WIP, but i plan to make it look like a hunters type shed, or something along those lines. I think making a small scene, for your weapons i.e the sombra gun or Karambit knife to sit on looks better, as you won't have floating guns. Of course, make the scene make sense.

    The Abandonned camp has promise. However, a few things listed below:

    - The coke can, it just doesn't make sense to have one coke can sat on its own on the log. Scatter them all over the forest. It also doesn't look correct the coke can. You should be making it slightly taller, a tad thinner and were the can curves slightly at the top, also needs working. Here's a ref:

    - The tent requires more wear & tear. If this is abandonned, think about how to environment would cause wearing onto the tent. Think about different types of weather that would have affected the tent. A lot of sun would cause some lighter tones for example, something of a sun bleached effect. Also think about utilising opacity masks, and add in some cuts at the bottom of sheets, as well as holes in and around the tent.

    - The grass just doesn't feel right. The cluster you've made, each blade feels too far apart, and the more you duplicate it, the more gaps that you'll spot between each blade. Maybe try curving these a tad more too, but of course just do some trial and error with the grass ;)

    - The logs look cool, but i think the texture is lacking detail, and feels flat. Again here's a quick ref i found:

    As for your other work:

    - The swamp ruins i really like. However, with only one screenshot to go by, and no breakdown of assets, it's hard to judge. 

    - I can't comment on The Almighty Cthulu because i'm more of a Prop/Environment Artist. However Cthulu is god! :D 

    - The Karambit blade, again with only one render it's difficult to judge. You seem to have got the general shape, and textures down but some references that you used could have been helpful. To add versatility to the blade, you could create another blade that is worn down, and has some personality with wear & tear, and other little details, as well as having the clean one.

    Hope this helps! Keep going and improving :)

  • Sharur
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    Sharur polycounter lvl 2
    Hey! Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it.  :)
  • Loren Broach
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    Loren Broach polycounter lvl 10
    Hey man, Good start to your portfoio! I think your swamp ruins, gun and knife are you strongest pieces.  

    With the swamp, everything looks nice.  I think it could benefit with having more color and value changes.  All the stone textures are basically the same value and has no color.  I also think the trees could use a lot more polys.  The angles are harsh.  And they all appear have the same radius.  I would make some of the trees skinny and some more fat to make it feel more organic.

    Good luck on your job search!


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