I'm not shure if i should be posting this on this particular part of the forum but, yet again, I'm having a really bad time trying to figure out how to do something like a torso or hand rig from scratch, controlled by nulls just like in the videos bellow
:: Hand ::
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM-X1UAeDoE:: Torso ::
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az9Iycp3fGEI know Softimage is no longer supported by Autodesk so, in case you guys ask, I've got to do an animation as a final project for college purposes and we can only use this software even though the internet is kinda lacking of content for me to learn Softimage more effectively.
Thank you all in advance and please be kind enough to help me in this quest cause it has been really difficult since my teachers are not usually available outside school.
I think there is one unofficial Softimage forum that is still active I think.
Other than that, hand rigging link you posted is pretty typical and well executed demo) of overall control, where rotation of bones is driven by control objects, very much doable in any major package.
If you scroll down to Legacy Tutorials you'll see the two pdfs and the work files. I suggest downloading them and saving them for ever because autodesk will eventually delete them. The tutorial you're looking for is in the first pdf under character setup. There's a rigging tutorial in there that is what i've used for the most basic of rigging.
Scroll down past the ICE tutorials and I see at least 70 videos that deal with some advanced rigging of a character along with a few other videos that could be helpful. They look like they would cover the basics of rigging (setting up bones, and doing the weights), along with some more of the advanced stuff like setting up expressions, twists, custom parameter sets in case you want to animate a finger with a slider, constraints, etc.
Unfortunately I can't really afford to pay for Digital Tutors cause, as a student, money isn't really something I have in fair amounts. I found the unofficial forum too if I'm not mistaken http://www.si-community.com/community/index.php
I'll look into it!