Hi, This is going to be a diary of my day to day development of the Mi-24 D Hind. Iam currently doing the base mesh in max, The mesh is sub divided with OpenSubdiv so the idea is to UV the mesh with edge loops and then Sub divide over the top to get a smooth finish. OpenSubdiv doesnt warp your UV's so its great.
Any crits or feed back is more that welcome. thanks
This is my progress on Day 3
1) the black arrows point at triangles, triangles can really mess the surface while subdividing, avoid them at all cost.
The read arrows mark two quads, one streched (the right) and one squashed (the left), a good thing to keep in mind while modeling is the spacing between edges, having faces like this might damage the surface apperance.
also, you should try and have edges go through two objects like shown in the img, that way when you add support loops and smooth the objects, the spacing between objects will be even and not have weird gaps.
I would suggest start from a simple cube and tweak the shape till it fit your needs, that way you will end up with a free from triangles, evenly spaced, smooth mesh.
My critic only talked about the front nose but it applies to every part of the helicopter. I think you should start from a big shape and than cut away from it the pieces to form the helicopter.
A cool source of info would be this channel, check them out: https://www.youtube.com/user/GuerrillaCG
Day 4 Progress
Smoothing example