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Owl Beast WIP

polycounter lvl 7
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Khimarra polycounter lvl 7
Hi, everyone!
I've been lurking here forever, but finally decided to actually post some of my own work. This is a WIP of a character I've been working on recently. I was struggling with the best way to handle the all-over fluffy feather look, but I think this is working. What do you think?

And here's the concept I'm working from:

C&C are always welcome!


  • Blade113
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    Blade113 polycounter lvl 8

    nice job! keep it up

  • Greg DAlessandro
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    Greg DAlessandro polycounter lvl 11

    The beak isn't quite like the reference. The reference is more drooping down (almost like curling your finger) than pointing forward like your model. It's missing that metal neck brace thing that is inside the hood as well. The antlers are also a bit more thicker than your model. The toenails are also a bit off. (the shape and size) Other than that, it's looking really good.

  • Khimarra
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    Khimarra polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks for the crit! I see what you mean on all points. All easy fixes! Hopefully I'll have time to update when I get home from work tonight. 
  • BHahn
    Wow, looks pretty nice so far! only thing that stands out to me is that the calf on your legs could stand to be a little thicker to match the reference better.

    Keep it up! looks great!
  • le0tard
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    le0tard polycounter lvl 10
    I think you nailed the feathers man, they look great. Especially around the neck and shoulders. The feathers in the face seem a bit dull in comparison, so work your magic there too. And while you're at the face; the beak looks like she's doing a funny face. The beak in the concept art is more bent which gives a nice owl- look, and also a big bigger. Looking forward to seeing this completed!
  • Khimarra
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    Khimarra polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks, guys! I completely agree with everything you've all pointed out. I didn't have as much time to work on her tonight as I'd hoped, but I was able to make the adjustments everyone mentioned. I was hoping to fix up her feet and get her plant ball at least started, but those will have to wait until tomorrow. 

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