I have a scene with tree branches and leaves.
Each tree branch is a mesh and all leaves is one mesh.
What I want to do is get leaves which intersect with one branch and separate it.
I know I can do that through Max vol. select with crossing mesh object, an the result I want is like this
I am wondering if there is a way to do this in Maya, since I want to write a script for that, I cannot just use my eyes and hand select leaves I want.
Thanks >"<
Select by material if it has multiple, then deselect whatever you don't need.
Select some faces on the leaves and use expand selection ">", if they aren't welded to the branches.
^Select shell works too, I forget about that one. Either on the mesh, or by UV shells.
But how to get faces, edges which cross or intersect with the branch objs?
Thanks again.