I think dynamask is broken in 2.1.5
1. Just add simple Smart Material ...

2. Enter dynamask editor and paint some mask, then apply it.

3. Re-Enter dynamask editor for additional painting and you will be surprised. Your mask is f...d up. Anyone got this problem ? Everything seems ok in 2.1.4

Actually the only way i've found to work correctly with 3dpainter, is to paint in a duplicated layer of my current material (duplicated and cleaned up), then copy the mask created with 3dpainter into photoshop (Ctrl+Clic on the mask, then copy) and past it into my first material layer as a dynamask "custom paint layer". Then i can delete the new duplicated one and redo this workflow every time i need to add informations.
i've lost 2 or 3 work before finding this "workflow", but that do the trick.
I think you're going the wrong way with those last updates, making 3do a so hard add was not a good idea, i think.
Just adding it as a "3D view layer and painter" would have been better, before going further.
But hey, without those bugs, your Suite Rocks !
Hak : sorry for the troll on your post.
I was told this was a linear/gamma space conversion issue and was even given a hot-fix patch (that didn't work) to correct this.
I, and my entire department, eagerly await a fix for this irritating bug.
It has been over a month, still nothing in terms of implementing the fix? This is more pressing than getting in new features guys.
Also a list of known issues would not go amiss. Google turns out no results for such page if it exists - seems like an oversight.
The fix has been implemented. As noted in a couple of other threads, we're doing some final tests to ensure that an issue like this doesn't sneak past us again. If you'd like to try it out, you can find the link on the Quixel Tools Group. If you're not a member already, join up and I'll approve you immediately. The patch isn't ready for a widespread public release yet, so we're keeping it in the Tools Group until we're satisfied that it's ready for everyone.
A download link would suffice, if you may.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience!