Hey guys,
I've always used Max at home and Maya at work, I'm now trying to use maya at home as well so I just brought over all my scripts and hotkeys that I use at work, such as UV Nightshade.
Although, something really weird is happening. I tried a million different things and I can't figure out what might be causing this, so maybe any of you guys have come across this before?
With UV points selected, when I press either X or V inside UV editor, it seems it always sends the UV points I have selected to the 0 0 0 coords.

Erm... Help?
Something tells me it's related to Maya's default snapping tools vs Modeling Toolkit ones (used to be called NEX tools) which I do use. When I get home today I'll try and isolate some of the files in Maya's prefs folder and see if I at least can pinpoint where the problem is.
I opened the ScriptEditor so I could listen to all outputs, and every time I either pressed X or V it would spew out the normal commands you'd expect plus the weird "compSpaceVar is now 0", I'm no MEL scripter so I have no idea what it means. Also, I noticed that on the "Last tool used" button, every time I'd press X it would jump back from the Multi-Component icon and the normal translate icon.
Anyway, what I did was I went back to my "prefs" folder and cleaned it back to defaults and I brought in only the bare minimum files I needed from my original config, I did it one by one leaving any old scripts out, and it worked.
If it helps, I believe it's some anomaly within the file "userNamedCommands.mel"