Hey people! recently i have come to the end of one of the modules of my first year and the last bit is asking for feedback! The module needed me to make an monopoly board! so i went with Zelda! I only started this September so this will also help me! Thanks! I modelled in 3DSMax Textured in Photoshop Presented in Unreal editor! Thomas Price!
One thing i have to ask: why did you model the Dice holes on the Low Poly instead of just baking a Normal Map onto a Cube? They are very small details and the shading difference between normal map and low geo should barely noticeable for an item basically not seen up close. Also why do you use supporting edges on everything even on just flat cubes on low poly? Aren't those just necessary for hard edging on subdivided meshes?
This seems to be like what a modern day Zelda Monopoly is supposed to be? Eventhough with a game coming from dark age fantasy kinda background you could do a monopoly they might have played back then. So colors worn looking like hand painted, everything has a bit more of a worn wood style (there are actual poker sets made of wood which look really cool). Get a bit more of an elven font going (Arial looks a bit off) and try to make it look kinda embossy. Also What's with the really low quality and pixalated images of the chest and such? Even without ZBrush, you could do really cool effects just in Photoshop and Nvidia Normal Map Plugin (or even in Paint.net or gimp), which would be a nice thing for the playing cards, without any normals they look kinda cheap (if you want to stick to this look).
Thanks, i tried baking the holes onto the low poly but for some reason when i applied it to my asset in UE4 the holes looked liked this I will be honest i am so new to this is do not know what you mean my supporting edges i am sorry! but the low quality was due to my lack of thinking i used the real work card and applied it to a albedo when i could have found a chest from online! Thanks alot! i will take more time within my photoshop work and try improving on my normal map skills! also agree 100% on the cards! they look really cheap haha! thanks!
You seem to have two normal maps, one with large dents and one with much smaller dents, did you apply the right one?
What he means by supporting loops is that you have loops which are not needed. Your house has around 200 tris, I modelled the same building but managed to keep it to 40 triangles.
The reason you are getting larger tri counts is that you have loops which have no effect on the silhouette of the model. For example:
Same model but with I added loops similar to the one you showed above, I only did this on 1 side of the model and it double the tri count. You can reduce the tri count a lot by welding vertices and removing edges that are not needed. If it has no effect on the silhouette it is not needed.
on your board you have edges running like this:
You don't need the edges running around the border (like you would need in a high poly), an edge connecting one corner to the other would be perfectly fine.
This seems to be like what a modern day Zelda Monopoly is supposed to be? Eventhough with a game coming from dark age fantasy kinda background you could do a monopoly they might have played back then. So colors worn looking like hand painted, everything has a bit more of a worn wood style (there are actual poker sets made of wood which look really cool). Get a bit more of an elven font going (Arial looks a bit off) and try to make it look kinda embossy. Also What's with the really low quality and pixalated images of the chest and such? Even without ZBrush, you could do really cool effects just in Photoshop and Nvidia Normal Map Plugin (or even in Paint.net or gimp), which would be a nice thing for the playing cards, without any normals they look kinda cheap (if you want to stick to this look).
I will be honest i am so new to this is do not know what you mean my supporting edges
What he means by supporting loops is that you have loops which are not needed. Your house has around 200 tris, I modelled the same building but managed to keep it to 40 triangles.
The reason you are getting larger tri counts is that you have loops which have no effect on the silhouette of the model. For example:
Same model but with I added loops similar to the one you showed above, I only did this on 1 side of the model and it double the tri count. You can reduce the tri count a lot by welding vertices and removing edges that are not needed. If it has no effect on the silhouette it is not needed.
on your board you have edges running like this:
You don't need the edges running around the border (like you would need in a high poly), an edge connecting one corner to the other would be perfectly fine.