I'm getting tons of errors with Quixel 2.1.5. and Photoshop CC 2015. Just as many as 1.8 im sorry to say. Just upgraded Photoshop 2014 to 2015 through their Creative Cloud app which is just a button press, not sure if it counts as a fresh install or not. So heres a few of them, not all...
Any ideas here?
1.) Only 2 of 4 mats of the edgeworn metal would apply. Happened only once. Trying to reapply it didn't help.

2.) Mask would not update in Quixel or Ddo. It did process something in the background when updating. Updating 3do doesn't help. Accepting the new mask doesn't change anything. I've tried many different things.

3.) Here you can see Tank Armor(winter), with all layer but the paint layers disabled, yet you still get some dirt/drip masking going on. Like every other bug i mention, i have tried many different things to resolve it before moving on...

4.) Two problems here:
1, I am stuck in paint mode (user error?) Not sure how to get out of it, but since i am trying to get that center section transparent i can't click on the model and change the render type, not that that would help, im still trying to figure it out. Note that i am not on a painting layer, which i deleted.
2, Notice the different between the albedo texture and 3do? Refreshing 3do doesn't help.

5.) 3do stopped responding, i had to force close it then try and reopen
it. I ended up with two 3do.exes running in the background WHICH
restart the computer, which froze up to a black screen before shutting
all the way down, forcing me to do something i hate doing, which is a
hard reset.

6.) Here again i can't change the mask for paint, leaving me with this and afraid to make changes....

I can create a link for this project if it would help.
Do you mind attempting a clean install of Photoshop and Quixel SUITE to see if these issues persist afterward? Also, consider upgrading your graphics drivers if you're not on the latest version.
I think i can easily get this to happen again now. So i can try recording my desktop, but its actually easy to do i think if you just start playing with masking and just messing around. The first time going into dynamask was fine. Shortly after i painted something accidentally upon going in again and then choosing other maps was when the white mask choice went to a gray color... if that makes any sense...
This is a laptop with two different video cards. I hope thats not an issue.
So heres a video showing the darkening mask issue. It happening twice within a minute or two of loading a new project and changing masks. I didn't do anything other than browse and change mask. The first time going into the mask editor always seems to go without a hitch.
The first time is at 1:40 and the second time at the end.
Happened two more times within the same project file, within newly chosen material groups. In both of these times, the darkening happened as i opened dynamask the second time.
Edit: After re-opening photoshop and creating a new project, 3Do now shows the masks as a bit brighter than the mask.psd and dynamask...ugh. I can't believe no one else is having this issue.
Note that once i reach this point where it darkens, the maximum white value will be permanently lowered (in 3Do), even if i play with post process values. Choosing to clear the mask returns it to a white value in Ddo and updates correctly in 3Do, however, upon entering the dynamask editor again, the model gets even darker, along with new mask choices.
Edit #2: Another thing i noticed is that when 3Do initially darkens the mask, if i just click "accept mask" with, doing nothing else, it will apply the darkened mask 3Do is displaying as the new map in the mask.psd, which is reflected in the Ddo window as well. I can keep doing this and it just keeps getting darker and darker by i would guess about the same amount.
Edit #3 So hitting "clear" on the painting window removes some of this effect, at least, in the case of a mask going almost completely dark which i just tried using the steps i mention in edit #2. Yet it still doesn't match.
Completely unusable right now.
Some extra info on my end: Fresh install of CC2015, only using a single video card, the suite is properly connected etc.
Mainly the masking/3Do update issues are what I'm seeing as well. When I attempt to follow those excellent, official Quixel youtube tutorials and am matching them click for click .. I run into the same problems the original poster mentioned. 3Do won't update visually (even though the base document is), or it will give me this milky overlay when accepting a mask and/or just cease updates all together.
Anyway, just adding my 2cents - I will give the "Clear" option a go and see if I can nurse my project along that way until the next release. Cheers.